Hi, myself Apu Chandraw Shill and I am an AI Engineer who is very much passionate about Problem Solving, DL, ML, Data Science and Research related fields. Always have the mindset to continuously learn and grow. Currently focusing on developing end-to-end AI products which will have the real impact in the society.

  • Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
  • B.Sc.Engg. in CSE
  • January 2016 – February 2021
  • Ranked 9th
  • Courses: Data structures, Algorithms, DBMS, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence... etc


  • Title: Plant Disease Detection Based on YOLOv3 and YOLOv4.
  • Authors: Apu Chandraw Shill, Md. Asifur Rahman
  • Conference: 2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 8-9 July 2021, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
  • Status: Published
  • DOI: 10.1109/ACMI53878.2021.9528179


Software Engineer(AI) @BJIT Ltd.
November 2021 - Present
      Researching, building and designing self-running artificial intelligence (AI) systems to automate predictive models.
      Work with Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow and different ML, DL related frameworks.
      Developing, programming and training the complex networks of algorithms for real AI project.
Lecturer, Department of CSE @Prime University
June 2021 - November 2021
      Conduction of different theory and lab sessions.
      Coordinator: Prime University Programming Club(PUPC).
      Mentoring the students.


Name Entity Recognition

Built a NER system with custom built neural model. In building neural model Embedding vector, Bi-LSTM, CNN have been used. Dataset used is called CoNLL2003++.


ChatBot using Reformer

Used Reformer known as efficient Transformer to generate dialogue between two bots using Trax. Dataset used in this project is called MultiWoz dataset.


Image caption generator using CNN-LSTM

An image caption generator project using architecture. The dataset which is used in this project is the COCO dataset. CNN is used as an encoder to extract features from a given batch of images using pre-trained ResNet-50 architecture and give input to the LSTM layer to generate an image caption. LSTM used as a decoder to generate a caption.


Disaster Response Pipeline Project

A data set containing real messages that were sent during disaster events is used in this project. A Machine Learning pipeline is created to categorize these events so that people can send messages to an appropriate disaster relief agency.


Facial Keypoint detection

Different computer vision techniques and deep learning architectures are used to build a facial keypoint detection system. Facial keypoints include points around the eyes, nose, and mouth on a face and are used in many applications. These applications include tracking, facial pose recognition, facial filters, and emotion recognition.


Libraries, Frameworks & Tools

    Tensorflow       PyTorch                                             

For more projects visit the following github link!

Get in touch

In case you have a question or want to say hi, my inbox is always open. I will try my best to get back on you as soon as possible.
I am open for opportunities.